Longhaired Whippet Facts, Price, Puppies, Breeders, Information Animals Adda

Lovely Longhaired Whippet dog photo and wallpaper. Beautiful Lovely Longhaired Whippet dog pictures

Windsprites (aka Longhaired Whippets) are a delightful, small, coated sighthound. Although closely related, they are a totally separate breed from the more widely known smooth coated Whippets. The International Windsprite Club is the international parent club and registry for Windsprites. We are dedicated to promoting these enchanting hounds.

Longhaired Whippet Facts, Price, Puppies, Breeders, Information Animals Adda

The Windsprite (formerly known as Longhaired Whippet) or Silken Windsprite as it is known in Europe, is a separate breed and not a Whippet with a longer coat. Walter A. Wheeler Jr. claimed he had discovered the recessive gene for long hair in Whippets and bred them into existence.

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The Longhaired Whippet is a medium-sized coated sighthound breed that is closely related. The Longhaired Whippet is a medium-sized coated sighthound breed that is closely related to short haired. Long, fine, silky; Color: Any; Litter size: 6-8 pups; Life span: 12-15 years; Tweet Share on your website