How Do You Say ‘Neck’ In SpanishCuello Is Neck YouTube

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neck and neck adv. (competitors: even) a la par loc adv. (AmL) parejo/a adj. ir al mismo ritmo loc verb. Until to the last lap, the horses were running neck and neck. Hasta el último salto, los caballos iban a la par.

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Sep 4, 2022 — by in English to Spanish How to Say Neck in Spanish Introduction When learning a new language, it's important to expand your vocabulary and learn how to express different body parts. In this article, we will explore how to say "neck" in Spanish. The neck is a vital part of our body, connecting our head to the rest of our torso.

How do you say 'neck' in Spanish? YouTube

Listen: UK:* /ˈnɛk/ US: /nɛk/ , (nek) definition | Conjugación [ES] | English synonyms | English collocations | Conjugator [EN] | in context | images WordReference Collins WR Reverse (84) WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024: Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement. Is something important missing?

Learn Spanish for Real 7 "Pain in the neck/ass" Learn Spanish with Andrew

pescuezo m neck verb besuquearse v [colloq.] She and her boyfriend could not stop necking at the party. Ella y su novio no paraban de besuquearse en la fiesta. Examples: crew neck n — cuello redondo m scoop neck n — cuello redondo m neck pain n — dolor de cuello m See more examples • See alternative translations See alternative translations

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cuello He had the thickest neck I'd ever seen. Tenía el cuello más duro que había visto jamás. She wore a gold chain around her neck. C2 the part of a piece of clothing that goes around a person's neck cuello This sweater's too tight in the neck. Este jersey es demasiado ajustado en el cuello.

Cuello Spanish to English Translation

What is the translation of "neck" in Spanish? en neck = es cuello Translations Conjugation Pronunciation Examples Translator Phrasebook open_in_new Spanish translations powered by Oxford Languages neck US /nɛk/ • UK /nɛk/ noun 1.

Neck in Spanish English to Spanish Translation

Synonyms Conjugate Speak Suggest new translation/definition neck a n 1 [+of person] cuello m [+of animal] pescuezo m , cuello m the rain ran down my neck la lluvia me corría por el cuello → to be neck and neck ir parejos → the back of the neck la nuca → to break one's neck (lit) desnucarse to break sb's neck (fig) romper or partir el cuello a algn

Neck and Shoulder Relaxation Exercise Sheet Download Printable PDF (English/Spanish

Medical Spanish Phrasebook neck ( nehk ) noun 1. (anatomy) a. el cuello (M) (of a person) She was wearing a golden chain around her neck.Llevaba una cadena de oro alrededor del cuello. b. el cogote (M) (colloquial) (of a person) I have a stiff neck from looking up so much.Se me ha quedado el cogote tieso de tanto mirar hacia arriba. c. el pescuezo

Vneck in Spanish English to Spanish Translation

neck in Spanish - English-Spanish Dictionary | Glosbe Translation of "neck" into Spanish cuello, nuca, pescuezo are the top translations of "neck" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: This is a bit too tight around my neck. ↔ Esto está un poco muy apretado alrededor de mi cuello. neck verb noun grammar

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What's the Spanish word for neck? Here's a list of translations. Spanish Translation cuello More Spanish words for neck el cuello noun collar el mástil noun mast, pole, post el pescuezo noun scrag el gollete noun neck el escote noun neckline, cleavage, decolletage, low neck, Scot la garganta noun throat, gorge, gullet, ravine, coomb el istmo noun

Body Parts in Spanish Vocabulary, Grammar and More!

2 Translation results for neck in Spanish noun | verb neck noun necks cuello (de una persona), pescuezo (de un animal); cuello; cuello (de una botella), mástil (de una guitarra) Example sentences of neck noun • He wore a key around his neck. • A giraffe is an animal with a very long neck. • He broke his neck in the accident.

Neck in Spanish • Writing and pronunciation (with pictures)

neck in the Oxford Spanish Dictionary Translations for neck in the English » Spanish Dictionary (Go to Spanish » English) Show summary of all matches I. neck [A nɛk, B nɛk] N 1. neck ANAT: neck ( of person) cuello m neck ( of animal) cuello m neck ( of animal) pescuezo m the back of the neck la nuca I've got a stiff neck tengo tortícolis

How Do You Say ‘Neck’ In SpanishCuello Is Neck YouTube

Spanish Word for neck. English Word: neck. Spanish Word: el cuello. Now you know how to say neck in Spanish. :-) Lookup Another Word? Translation type: Word to be translated:

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Phrases in english containing neck translated to English. be a (real) pain in the neck in Spanish is ser un pesado, ser un peñazo, ser un incordio, ser un plomazo, ser un coñazo, ser un insoportable, ser un plomo, ser un petardo, ser un plasta, dar la tabarra ; breathe down + Posesivo + neck in Spanish is hostigar, atosigar, acosar, seguir muy de cerca, pisar los talones a

Neck in Spanish • Writing and pronunciation (with pictures)

Body parts in Spanish: from neck to torso. Time to explore the area where the most important organ lies: the heart. Some will argue that el cerebro ('the brain') is more important, but the heart ('el corazón') is the one pumping blood all over the body. By the way, did you know that every day your heart beats about 115,000 times and.

How to Say Neck in Spanish ️

Spanish translation of 'neck' Word Frequency neck [nek ] noun 1. [of person] cuello m [of animal] pescuezo m ⧫ cuello m the rain ran down my neck la lluvia me corría por el cuello neck and neck a la par ⧫ parejos to be neck and neck [horses, runners, competitors] ir a la par ⧫ ir parejos the back of the neck la nuca